Ringtones Galore
Ringtones Galore > Rock & Pop > 3 Doors Down > Be Like That
3 Doors Down "Be Like That"   
a Keypress / composer ringtones
Nokia ComposerTempo: 200
8g1, 8g2, 8d2, 4g3, 8d3, 8g2, 8d2, 8d2, 8d3, 8a2, 4e3, 8d3, 8a2, 8d2, 8e1, 8b1, 8e2, 4d3, 8e3, 8d3, 8g2, 8c2, 8e2, 8g2, 4d3, 8e3, 8d3, 8g2
Nokia RTTTL format ringtone of Be Like That
BeLikeTh:d=4,o=5,b=200:8g, 8g6, 8d6, 4g7, 8d7, 8g6, 8d6, 8d6, 8d7, 8a6, 4e7, 8d7, 8a6, 8d6, 8e, 8b, 8e6, 4d7, 8e7, 8d7, 8g6, 8c6, 8e6, 8g6, 4d7, 8e7, 8d7, 8g6
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